HomePostsBreaking NewsCANADA DAY FUN!Breaking NewsCommunityNewsCANADA DAY FUN!ByEganville LeaderJuly 4, 2023740Share With gorgeous weather and lots of red and white everywhere, Canada Day was full of fun. For full details see the Leader with photos of Canada Day fun in our area. In Killaloe at the home of the Beavertails. Smiling in Cobden with Councillor Connie Tabbert. Eganville fun. Admaston Bromley recognition The Fleury family singing. Fun in Douglas. Clapping to the music at Melissa Bishop Park. Previous article$1 million richer for Eganville coupleNext articleO’Grady’s garage and flower shop sold to become new Eganville ambulance baseBreaking NewsPembroke landmark sustains heavy damage in Thursday morning fireBreaking NewsAustrian Ambassador given honorary welcome to the ValleyBreaking NewsNational Day of Truth and Reconciliation marked at PikwakanaganBreaking NewsGrace’s Harvest Dinner attracts 600 patrons