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Pembroke – Preparations are well underway for one of the biggest fundraisers in Renfrew County, and The Grind Pembroke’s annual Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY) fundraiser has already reached a fifth of its six-figure goal.
The Grind provides crucial support to the marginalized low-to-no-income members of the City of Pembroke and Upper Ottawa Valley. Now, they’re extending a warm welcome to those looking to make a difference and contribute to a vital community resource. So far, it has reached just under $25,000 of its $125,000 goal.
It supplies thousands of meals, hygiene kits and other essential services like showers and laundry as well as makes plenty of referrals to connect to social resources and get them the support they need. It also acts as a point of stability to those experiencing homelessness by offering its address as a secure location to receive mail and other essential correspondence.
The CNOY fundraiser is a nationally recognized initiative hosted in dozens of Canadian cities each February. Those taking part in the fundraiser can do either a two or five-kilometre walk to symbolize the hardship faced by those living out in the cold at this time of year.
The Grind hopes to see even more participants and donors rally behind their cause in the coming weeks. Every dollar raised goes towards the organization and its day-to-day operations, and its volunteers have been working tirelessly to ensure it runs smoothly.
CNOY Board Chairs Carolyn Henderson and Yvonne Kendall were happy to report the event’s ongoing statistics. At the moment there are 210 donors, 21 volunteers, 133 walkers and just under a month until the walk. The pair said at this time last year they had 154 donors, and now, they’re up to over 200.
The event will also include two rest stops along the way thanks to Starbucks serving coffee and treats at Rotary Park and Wesley Community Church with hot chocolate.
So far, Ms. Henderson is thrilled with the turnout and hundreds of people backing the event even a month beforehand.
“The community support has just been overwhelming,” she said. “I’m so impressed. We owe them a debt of gratitude.”
The Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser is scheduled for February 22. Registration is open to individuals and teams, and those unable to participate can still contribute by donating directly through the official fundraising page at