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Renfrew Briefs – June 12, 2019

Renfrew — Ontario Provincial Police here have charged several motorists with impaired driving in recent weeks. On June 9, while conducting a RIDE check in Arnprior, Roddy Gilks, 50, of Ottawa, was charged with impaired driving. It was one of several impaired charges laid in recent weeks. On June 1 officers responded to a traffic complaint in Horton Township and stopped a vehicle driven by Jason Bradford, 33, of McNab/Braeside Township. He was charged with impaired driving. The same day officers responded to a traffic complaint in Admaston/Bromley Township. Michael Wolters, 39, of McNab/Braeside Township was charged with impaired driving. On June 2, officers responded to a traffic complaint in McNab/Braeside Township. Rodney Piasetzkie, 41, of Arnprior was charged with impaired driving.. * * * * * * Racing Charges Francois Lessard, 22, of Pincourt, Quebec was issued a summons for racing a motor vehicle, excessive speed after he was stopped on Highway 17 in Whitewater Township on May 28. OPP stopped a vehicle June 3 on Hwy. 17 in Horton Township and charged Troy Hein, 49, o Arnprior with racing and a day later, Melanie Wetmore, 54, of Ottawa was also charged with racing after she was stopped on Hwy. 17 in Horton Township